Our Norton Financial Literacy Program is a one-on-one introduction to navigating personal money management. The program includes an in-depth look into your daily finances and current financial health, personalized and complete strategies for short-term and long-term financial independence, and lifelong knowledge, skills, and resources for sustainable success. The Financial Literacy Program starts with a four-session introductory course tailored specifically for each client. After the introductory course there are opportunities for further work including accountability check-ins, tune-up sessions, and seminars with other financial professionals.

Course Overview:
Week 1: Intro to Money
The first session addresses the client’s history and current relationship with money. Have they grown up in an abundance or scarcity mindset? Are they spenders or savers? What is their current financial picture? The client is introduced to money tracking tools to begin to use immediately. Clients are then asked to fill out a spreadsheet with a minimum of three months’ worth of spending for next session.
Week 2: Intro to Budgeting
The second session addresses how and where the client is using their money. Money is a tool to harness to achieve success. Are their current spending habits reflecting good use of that tool? We'll identify areas where they may currently be overspending and discuss ways to either lower spending in that area or compensate for it by underspending elsewhere. We'll teach them some Daily Money Management tricks to lower their costs and simplify their financial lives. Clients will be introduced to multiple budgeting approaches and will select one they feel is most in line with their needs while still being achievable. If clients have loans to pay off, they will also be introduced to loan payoff techniques to make sure they are paying off their loans in the savviest way for their circumstances.
Week 3: Intro to Achieving Financial Goals & the Greater Financial World
The third session is all about what clients want to create with their money and how they can do that. What are their financial priorities? Are their budgets reflecting those priorities or do they need adjustment? Achieving big goals is more than just sticking to a budget. Big goals may need additional support and planning. We'll introduce them to the financial world and the people in it – Financial Planners, Wealth Advisors, Mortgage Lenders, Accountants, Trust & Estate Attorneys, etc. - and talk about how those professionals can help them achieve their goals. We will end the session by providing the client with a list of resources and contacts we recommend.
Week 4: Connecting the Dots and Checking Progress So Far
The last session will come after a three-week break, allowing the client to apply all of the skills and tools they’ve learned thus far to their daily lives. We'll look at how their mindset has changed since the first session and address how to keep their financial momentum going. We’ll finish out the final session with a wrap up of everything we’ve covered previously and make any needed plans for the future.